Practical Science Series: Working Scientifically, 10-12 yrs


For Ages: 10 – 12 Years
Curriculum: New Zealand
Format: Ebook
ISBN: 978 186 397 688 6
View sample: RENZ4038_sample-Practical Science Series Working Scientifically , 10 – 12 yrs


This book contains a set of practical lessons, ideas and worksheets to explore the strand of Working Scientifically. Learning activities focus on making balloon rockets and balloon vehicles, exploring the five senses, conducting a water taste test, and surveying the ecology and physical features of the school grounds. Students will be involved in designing and constructing experiments to test hypotheses. Specific science skills will be enhanced through these activities including using data tables, measuring time and distance, surveying, researching and interpreting results. Students will also be involved in making simple written observations, gathering data, illustrating, labelling and constructing graphs, and assessing the fairness and validity of experiments. Educational website references have been included where possible. All activities are outcome linked to the science strands of state curriculum documents.

Author: Kevin Rigg


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